"Moonlight". IPA 2018 International Photography Awards. Honorable mention IPOTY 2017 International Photographer of the Year. Honorable mention.
"Iris Flower" Tokyo International Foto Awards 2020 (TIFA) Honorable mention. Category Fine Art / Still Life. Beautiful Iris germanica transforms as it wilts. I am fascinated by a new form born from decay.
"Moonlight". IPA 2018 International Photography Awards. Honorable mention IPOTY 2017 International Photographer of the Year. Honorable mention.
"Moonlight". IPA 2018 International Photography Awards. Honorable mention IPOTY 2017 International Photographer of the Year. Honorable mention.
"Czekając na Księżyc". Marie liczyły dni i godziny. Aż pojawił się blisko naszego domu. Był jak zalecająca się kotka. olej,pastel olejny/papier 100x70 cm
"Moonlight". IPOTY 2017 International Photographer of the Year. Honorable mention.
"Moonlight". IPOTY 2017 International Photographer of the Year. Honorable mention.
"Moonlight" IPA 2018 International Photography Awards. Honorable mention
"Jakby wciąż..." iris germanica
"W księżycowym świetle" krokusy
"Moonlight" IPA 2018 International Photography Awards. Honorable mention